Southern Men: Ballad of a Texas Rose Read online

Page 4

  “Miss Silverman,” it read, “Texxon Refinery, Mann Road, tonight at midnight. There’s an opening in the fence by the south exit. Come alone. I have information for you that will ensure you win this case.”

  That was it. There was no signature.

  After reading the note, still standing in the doorway of her office, Clara looked at the pile of paperwork stacked up on her desk that she’d intended for the rest of the night’s consideration. She looked back at the note in her hand. She checked her watch – it was half past eleven pm. Five minutes later she was in her car.

  As she hurtled through the darkness of the desert at night, she reflected again that it wasn’t necessarily the safest thing in the world to be going alone to the meet, without any idea whatsoever about who had actually summoned her there in the first place. But there was nobody she could have called (at least not without a lot of awkwardness involved), even just to let somebody know where she would be for the night in case she didn’t come back.

  So if the whole thing was a set-up? Well then she’d just have to deal with that when the time came.

  Up ahead she saw the huge compound that housed the San Antonio Texxon oil refinery, beyond the tall black fence the factory buildings stretched out across the whole valley ahead. It was almost like a small town of its own. She cruised on, the road now running parallel to the fence, as she made her way towards the south entrance.

  She passed the road leading up to the gates and continued driving for another couple of minutes before pulling into the side of the road and turning off the lights. She killed the engine and looked over her shoulder, making sure the way was still clear behind her. The desert was deader than a ghost town. She stepped out of the car, checked her pocket for her Dictaphone and notepad and then darted towards the fence.

  She crept up close to the gates and scrutinized her surroundings. The small booth by the gate was empty, replaced by a buzzer and a sign instructing drivers to press the button and wait for assistance. Inside the compound, huge floodlights lit up the whole area, but there wasn’t a single soul around. Clara looked down the long fence running east and deduced that the opening would likely be along that way somewhere since the fence only lasted another ten yards or so before turning north on the west side. She looked about herself quickly to make sure she hadn’t been spotted and then headed off along the fence.

  After following the railing for another five minutes or so, Clara came upon a small opening. It was big enough for a person to fit through, so it seemed likely that it was the one mentioned in the note. But there was nobody else around. She paused for a moment to consider her options and then stepped through.

  She took out the note and read it again. Yes, the instructions told her to be at the opening by midnight. It was twelve am now on the dot and there was nobody around. She checked her watch and then looked about herself to survey the land.

  She was standing in a deserted part of the compound, possibly some kind of storage facility, judging by the huge warehouses ahead of her that loomed darkly, casting long shadows, in the glow of the floodlights. She thought about it for a second and then decided to get a closer look. Making sure she was still safe, Clara set off at a jog towards the shadows between the huge structures.

  As she ran into the avenues, she heard a sudden shout. There was no doubt in her mind it was a security guard. She’d been made.

  ‘Shit,’ Clara muttered and threw herself up against the wall.

  A siren sounded out somewhere in the distance and she heard the engine of a security jeep approach. Damn it, she thought, if she was discovered trespassing inside a Texxon compound the implications for her case could be disastrous. She inched along the wall towards the darkness as the sound of the jeep drew nearer. She needed to find somewhere to hide, she needed to –

  Out of nowhere, a strong pair of arm shot out around her, the palm wrapped tight against her mouth. Clara panicked and started kicking and struggling to get free. Close to her ear, a voice spoke. It was deep and stern, slightly shaky from the struggle.

  ‘God damn it, keep still,’ her accoster said, ‘you know what’ll happen if they find you here?’

  Realization suddenly washed over her. It was him, the man who had called her there in the first place. The source.

  She relaxed in his grip to let him know that she understood the situation.

  ‘You gonna keep quiet?’ the mysterious stranger asked.

  ‘Uh-huh,’ Clara said, her voice muffled by the man’s hand over her mouth.

  ‘Ok then,’ he said and released her from his hold. He took her hand and began leading her deeper into the shadows, into the small gap between two of the buildings. ‘This way,’ he said, ‘keep quiet.’

  The man egged Clara forward and then stopped himself. In the darkness she couldn’t make out who he was, only that he was big and strong. He smelt incredibly masculine in the hot night. They pressed their bodies up against the wall and held their breath. Clara could hear the footfalls of a security guard checking the area right around where they’d just escaped from. She closed her eyes tight and prayed that they wouldn’t be discovered.

  Through her closed lids Clara saw the bight white illumination of a flashlight as it shone down the narrow channel. The game was up.

  ‘Hey!’ the security guard barked, ‘I know there’s somebody down there. This is private property and I am armed and authorized to use force against any trespassers, so come out with your hands up.’

  The man beside Clara sighed. ‘Hold on a second,’ he whispered and then turned towards the flashlight. ‘Steve Murphy?’ he called, ‘is that you? Stand down, I’ m coming out.’

  ‘Oh shit,’ the security guard called, ‘I’m sorry sir, I didn’t know you were still here.’

  The flashlight clicked off and the stranger leaned over to Clara’s ear again. ‘As I walk away,’ he said, ‘slowly lower yourself down into a ball. It’ll make it harder for him to see you over my shoulder.’

  Clara nodded silently and then did as he said. The man walked slowly down the channel, his huge form filling out the space completely, and Clara cautiously kneeled down on her knees. She listened as the man joined the security guard, cocking her head in an effort to pick up their conversation. It was no good, she could only hear the faint hum of their voices as they spoke. A moment later the security guard left and the guy came back towards her.

  ‘Hey,’ he called, ‘you still there?’

  Clara stood up and dusted herself down. ‘I’m here,’ she whispered, ‘now why don’t you tell me just who the hell you are?’

  ‘Not now,’ the man said, ‘we need to go somewhere safe. Follow me.’

  He began walking back towards the opening again and Clara set off after him. He waited in the darkness, until she was right behind him. She still hadn’t had a chance to look at his face. ‘Come on,’ he said and set off towards the bigger warehouses. Clara glanced over her shoulder and then followed after him.

  The man opened a door in the side of the warehouse and held it open for her. She stepped inside. It was impossible to see anything and somewhere in the darkness huge machines churned and rumbled.

  ‘Over here!’ he called from the doorway of a small office against the metal wall. Clara hurried on through and the man closed the door behind her. He switched on the light.

  ‘Well shit,’ he said, ‘that was close. Didn’t I tell you to wait by the opening in the fence? You know what would have happened if they found you in here?’

  Clara stared at the man before her. He was tall and handsome, with grayish-blue eyes and dark brown hair, a shadow of stubble around his thick jawline. She recognized him, but it still took her a second to realize from where exactly. It was the last person she’d expected to see.

  ‘You know how much my pa would like to catch you on his property? Damn…’

  The man’s name was Bobby, Bobby Cooper. He was Ace Cooper’s only son. The heir to the Texxon business empire.

  ‘You look surprise
d,’ Bobby said, ‘don’t be. You’re not the only one who cares about the people in this state, you know.’

  Clara couldn’t think of a thing to say, she just stared at him in disbelief.

  ‘You’re doing the right thing,’ she said finally.

  ‘Ha,’ Bobby snorted. He turned away, but not before Clara could read a whole world of pain and ambivalence on his handsome, sun-weathered face. ‘Am I?’ he asked, ‘either way I’m betraying somebody. Either way I’m a traitor.’

  ‘No,’ Clara said, stepping towards him, ‘Ace Cooper is the traitor here Bobby. He made his own choices. You’re only a traitor if you stand beside him.’

  Bobby said nothing. He was still facing away from her. It was typical of all these men around here, Clara observed – as soon as they felt one bit of emotion they shut themselves off completely. She was only too familiar with that hyper-masculine cowboy attitude. It was why she’d gotten so frustrated with Harvey, her last boyfriend.

  ‘Look at me,’ Clara said, reaching out to place her hand on Bobby’s strong shoulder, ‘your father has ruined countless lives and now you have the choice to do something about it. That makes you a hero Bobby. I know how much you have to sacrifice here and it makes you a hero.’

  The brooding cowboy turned towards her. She could smell the heat and power on his musk. ‘Is that what you really think?’ he asked her.

  ‘Yes,’ Clara said. She really did.

  His eyes were so deep and sorrowful, even as he tried to hide the pain beneath a veneer of strength and power. ‘I’ve got some documents that could end this thing right now,’ Bobby said.

  ‘Then it’s your duty to make that happen,’ Clara said.

  Bobby stepped closer towards her. ‘And what then?’ he asked, ‘what am I going to do then? Everything will change. We’ll lose everything.’

  Clara reached out and took his strong hand in hers. She held it up towards her face, shivered as he rubbed his palm against her cheek. It felt like boiled leather on her skin. She opened her mouth as he ran his fingers over her lips. She was starting to get wet now, the whole night had been so exciting and now… Now she wanted to make it all worth Bobby’s while.

  She closed her mouth gently over his fingertips, kissing him softly. Bobby tilted her head up to face him and then leaned forward and kissed her.

  She put her arms around his waist, relishing the touch of his strong body beneath her hands as he kissed her, deep and tender.

  ‘You’re a very beautiful woman, Clara Silverman,’ Bobby said, his voice both strong and soft as he gazed at her with those deep eyes.

  ‘Hell, you’re pretty hot yourself, you know,’ Clara smiled and ran her hands down over his firm ass.

  Bobby narrowed his eyes as something atavistic awoke inside him and he kissed her again, harder this time. Excited by the sudden display of passion Clara dug her hands into his ass, pulling him closer against her small body. A fresh of wave of excitement washed over her as she felt Bobby’s huge cock beneath his jeans, already hard as iron. She was looking forward to feeling it inside her.

  As they kissed, Bobby reached down and ran his hands around her back, squeezing her flesh with primal dominance. The sensation of his touch filled her with lust and she pressed her crotch against his, as her pussy continued to plump out and moisten. This was turning out to be better than she ever could have expected.

  Bobby ran his hands insider her blazer and helped her out of it as she unbuttoned her blouse. With a look of pained hunger on his handsome face, Bobby threw open her blouse and took her breasts possessively in his hands. Clara closed her eyes and sighed with pleasure as he pressed them together. It felt so good. She threw back her head again, inviting him to devour her with his mouth. He pressed his hot lips over hers and started fucking her with his tongue, darting in and out with rapid, powerful strokes. He pressed her tits hard against her chest and Clara shuddered with pleasure. Down below she was absolutely soaking and when Bobby dropped his hand against her thigh she rocked her hips forward and panted with lust for him to take her.

  Bobby began working his hand up her skirt, feeling his way along her thigh, already sticky from the hot juices that ran down her leg. Clara let out an involuntary scream when he took her whole pussy in his hand, almost hurting her from the force, though not nearly as much as it filled her with pleasure.

  ‘Shush,’ Bobby whispered, his voice deep and his face flushed from desire, ‘you’re still on enemy ground here, remember?’

  ‘Uh-huh,’ Clara whimpered, pushing her crotch forward against his strong touch. She was aware of the danger only too well. And it filled her with profound excitement.

  As Bobby stroked her pulsing lower lips with his strong fingers, rapidly accumulating a covering of lubrication, he reached up with his other hand and held her by the back of her head. He leaned forward and kissed her again, as her whole body lit up with pleasure and ecstasy. She let herself fall back into his grip, giving herself over entirely to his control, body and soul.

  Bobby slid his fingers inside her crevice and she felt a rush of pleasure reverberate through her belly and down to her loins. He pressed his thumb over her clit as he frigged her hot pussy, holding her with his other arm as she lay against his grip. It felt so incredible to be in his arms like that as he pleasured her and soon Clara could feel herself approaching climax. She closed her eyes and bit her lip, trying to hold back the screams of pleasure that seemed intent on escaping from her frenetic body. Sensing the problem, Bobby leaned down towards her and clamped his mouth over hers, filling it with his tongue as she came hard all over his hand. She lay in his grip, quivering and shuddering through the pleasure, until finally it passed. She opened her eyes and smiled at him.

  ‘That was so good,’ she said, ‘let me return the favor.’

  She stood up from his grip and began running her hands over his firm chest. She worked her way down to his belt and jeans, gripped the huge bulge through the denim, as Bobby sighed with pleasure above her. Smiling up at him wickedly, Clara began to slowly unbuckle his belt. She opened his pants and pulled them slowly down, looking forward to facing his cock at last.

  Underneath his briefs, his cock seemed absolutely massive. Clara was not disappointed as she slid his underwear slowly down. It was like God’s own member.

  ‘You’re so big,’ Clara whispered to him, her face close to the heat of his thing. ‘I can’t wait to taste it.’

  She wrapped her hand around the shaft and worked it up and down a couple of times, relishing the look of pained lust on Bobby’s face above her. She guided the thick cock towards her face again and slowly opened her mouth as she lowered her head over it.

  Mmm, it was delicious. So hard and wet, so hot and powerful. Bobby grunted, breathing heavily, as Clara slowly opened her mouth all the way over his dick, feeling the head press against the back of her throat long before she hit the hilt. She gagged a little and then pulled back up, a sliver of saliva and precum falling out of her mouth. Bobby ran his hands through her hair as she opened her mouth and went over him again.

  She continued to work her head up and down over his huge cock until suddenly, without warning, Bobby hoisted her to her feet.

  ‘What is it?’ she asked.

  ‘Lie down on the desk,’ he grunted, ‘I want to eat you out while you suck on me.’

  ‘Ooh,’ Clara smiled, ‘I like the sound of that.’

  She let him lift her up and carry her over to the table, before lowering her on the surface. She watched as Bobby pulled off his jeans and climbed up onto the table beside her. He smiled and leaned back to allow her access to his great coil that stuck out before him, firm and rigid. Clara positioned herself in the sixty-nine position against his body and took his cock in her mouth again. Bobby took her legs in his hands and spread them apart as he lowered his face against her aching cunt. Clara went rigid as his tongue brushed against her lips, filling her body with tremendous pleasure.

  They stayed in that position for several min
utes, each one feasting on the sexual heat of the other, while they both gave themselves up to the pleasure it caused. Clara could feel that Bobby would soon climax if she kept on as she was going so she began to kiss her way back up his body towards his head, pulling her own crotch free from the pleasure of his mouth.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ Bobby asked, suddenly jerked out of the spell of the moment.

  ‘I want you inside me,’ Clara whispered, licking her own juices off his chin and then kissing his hot mouth once more.

  Bobby rolled over onto his back and Clara lifted her legs over him, lowering her hungry cunt down onto his rock-hard cock. She bit her lip as her bottom lips spread open over his girth and she felt him slowly begin to enter her. She plopped herself down completely onto his cock and then started to rise again as she ran her hands all over his heaving chest. The pleasure was almost unbearable.

  ‘Oh God,’ she panted, ‘that feels so good!’

  She ran her fingers up over his throat as she fucked him, over his hot face and flexing jaw as he looked at her with those intense blue eyes, narrowed with lust and concentration. He grabbed her ass and held her tight as she thrust her pussy up and down over his dick, relishing the power and control she had over him right at this moment.

  Waves of pleasure washed through her body, heat and electricity, lust and rapture. She was going to cum any second now. She wrapped her hands around his throat, tight enough that she could feel his excited pulse as she fucked him. She went faster, harder, the pleasure was so intense it almost hurt – she was definitely going to be sore later. She began to squeeze his throat as she fucked him, as the onset of orgasm rushed through her body and inflamed her cunt. Her whole body started to tremble as she came, squeezing her hands tighter around Bobby’s neck. As he grunted, he erupted inside her too, his whole cock seeming to empty up inside of her, fill her with all of its masculine power. She loosened her grip on his neck and a moment later she collapsed above him.